3rd annual fisHER Adventure Classic: Together, we can (and will)!

The seasons are changing, which can only mean one thing – the fisHER Adventure Classic is right around the corner. Whether you are a woman rocking it in the fisheries world or one of our amazing allies, we want you to join us! For those new to this event, the fisHER Adventure Classic is an annual fundraiser that supports our various initiatives, including our Women of Fisheries Gives Back! Award. This is a virtual event that will take place this year from October 1-15 during which you can participate in any outdoor adventure of your choosing. It’s a great way to show your support for women in fisheries and let’s face it, we could all use an excuse to get outdoors. So, grab your gear, scope out a place, and gather your favorite people together for an adventure with a cause!

In honor of our upcoming 3rd annual fisHER classic, here are THREE thoughts on how you can show your support and bring fisheries people together simply being a part of this year’s event:

  1. This year we are raffling off THREE PRIZES and supporting a gyotaku artist in the process. You are automatically entered into this drawing, but you can buy or bling your bib for more tickets to win!
  2. To our allies, let’s adventure together so that we can provide even more opportunities to women in fisheries. Last year, funds from this event were used to give out our first Women of Fisheries Gives Back! Award to an early career professional. Just think how much more we can do with your help!
  3. Use the hashtag #fisHERadventureclassic and submit your adventure stories. Not only can you win some extra event swag, but sharing your adventure pictures will show your support in a very visible way. 
  4. Okay we can’t just stop at 3… because this year, everyone who participates also gets an official Women of Fisheries sticker. You can slap that on a cooler or water bottle and show your support for women in fisheries wherever you go!

Now that you are psyched up for October, visit our event page for all the information you will need to be a part of this year’s event. 

We are working hard to build a bigger table, a table where we all have a seat and can work side-by-side tackling the fisheries challenges of tomorrow. 

Let’s do this…because together, we can (and will)!