Ally Action: Share Your Pronouns!

This week we focus on one simple action that can have a huge impact: sharing your pronouns!

Why share pronouns?

Being misgendered sucks and has harmful consequences for folks. One easy action cisgender people (i.e., those whose gender expression aligns with the sex they were assigned at birth) can take to be allies is to share our pronouns.

The more we normalize sharing pronouns, the more we create inclusive spaces. As outlined in an article by Paige Cohen: “All cisgender people should share their pronouns. In the same way that men in the workplace who make use of flexible time or parental leave normalize women and people of other genders doing so as well, cisgender people sharing pronouns (not with a “savior” mindset but simply as a matter of course) normalize the behavior when trans and gender-nonconforming people do the same.” Identifying your own gender pronouns, even if you are cisgender or your pronouns seem “obvious” to a group, shows you’re aware of gender diversity and want to create a safe space for others (more here).

How do I do it?

There are lots of ways to share your pronouns. To start with, you can include them in your email signatures, on your Zoom/video chat name, and on your presentation title slides. You can also share them verbally when you introduce yourself; for example, say “Hi, my name is…, my pronouns are …”. If you are not used to doing this you may feel awkward at first, but the more you practice the smoother it will get!

Sharing and respecting pronouns is one step to creating a supportive and accepting world for everybody. For more on pronouns and allyship, check out these resources:

Being an Ally for LGBTQ+ colleagues

A Guide to Being an Ally to Transgender and Nonbinary Youth

Tips for Allies of Transgender People

Talking About Your Pronouns Is One Easy Way To Be A Transgender Ally