Need help as an early career fisheries scientist? You’re not alone – apply for support from Women of Fisheries

There is still time to apply for the Women of Fisheries Gives Back! scholarship. Deadline 12/17/21

Recent research has documented that the early-career job market for marine environmentalists offers few and mostly uncompensated opportunities. The struggle to obtain full time paid work in fisheries science is real and can lead many early career scientists to accept positions that are highly underpaid. For many reasons, some detailed in articles under our resources section, this issue can disproportionately impact women, immigrants, and Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities.

To play a small part in easing the financial strain on early career professionals, the Women of Fisheries Gives Back! scholarship is available to any woman within the field of fisheries science who has graduated within the last 5 years. As the recipient, you may also choose to be featured in a Fish Sister profile to gain exposure. For more information and to apply for this scholarship, visit here.