What is your favorite thing about working in fisheries?
“Data to information, information to action” has been a guiding maxim in my career.
“I raise up my voice — not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard.” –Malala Yousafzai One of our goals at Women of Fisheries is to amplify and support the voices of women in our field. By sharing our experiences, we can inform, inspire, […]
You’ve just started a new field position. Excited, you step on the boat and head out for a full day of sampling. You look around the small boat and suddenly it hits you: where will you pee?? You realize that you are the only woman on the boat. Do you […]
Welcome to our blog series, Research Highlights! On the second Monday of each month, we debut newly published fisheries research by our women of fisheries colleagues. If you have research you would like to highlight and share with our readers, submit a nomination form! Our February’s Research Highlight:Vecchio, J.L., J.L. […]
“Not failure, but low aim is a crime.” –Roger Arlinger Young
A few months ago, we began a monthly blog post series to highlight women in fisheries and their research. Women sometimes have a hard time tooting their own horns, so we’re here to toot them for you! The fisheries field is diverse, encompassing everything from policy to research, but each […]
My very first research project was an epic, total failure. As in, pretty much no data, no findings, absolutely nothing to show for it. I won’t bog you down with details about the project, but long story short it centered on trapping invasive rats on an island to look at […]
Welcome to our blog series, Research Highlights! On the second Monday of each month, we debut newly published fisheries research by our women of fisheries colleagues. If you have research you would like to highlight and share with our readers, please contact us at women.of.fisheries@gmail.com. Our January’s Research Highlight:Jackson, L. […]
“Above all, don’t fear difficult moments. The best comes from them.”
– Rita Levi-Montalcini
For the last post of 2020, we decided to reflect and focus on a few of the positive accomplishments by this group this year.