Women of Fisheries: Celebrating 2021 Successes

As we close out another unique year full of its own set of challenges and uncertainties, we want to celebrate the bright moments of 2021. And our group has much to toast to this year! The women of fisheries have celebrated new jobs, new family members, new homes in new places, and new graduations. We’ve shared our science at conferences and in publications. We’ve gained new skills, like the ability to juggle the multitude of webinars and online meetings that are part of our new normal. We’ve faced new challenges head on, and kept on rocking fisheries science.

And Women of Fisheries, Inc. has some things to celebrate too! Here’s a list of some of our group’s accomplishments this year:

  • We’ve continued to grow in membership and reach! Our private online Facebook group has grown to more than 1400 members, our public facing Facebook group has gained more than 200 page likes and reached thousands through our posts, and our website has garnered thousands of views. We’ve grown in our leadership as well, adding new Board members and a new social media committee. And we’ve grown in scope and launched a new private group: Mamas in Fisheries
  • Our second annual fundraiser fisHER Adventure Classic raised hundreds of dollars for Women of Fisheries. This allowed us to launch our new initiative, the Women of Fisheries Gives Back! Award for early career professional women in fisheries science
  • We’ve continued to share job opportunities and pose important questions and discussions in our Facebook group.
  • And most importantly, we’ve continued to support each other!

Happy New Year to you all!