A journey into fisheries science may have been ignited by observing the natural environment, being awed at a visit to an aquarium, fishing with family and friends, or just enjoying a good fish fry. The first step in making it a career is committing to obtaining a degree. We wanted […]
Category: Profiles
By Alexandra Norelli Women’s History Month inspired us to dig a little deeper into fisheries history to see where and when women first started making their mark in the field. This is in no way a comprehensive history of all women in fisheries, however, the members of the Women of […]
“Have confidence in your knowledge and skills that you bring. If you don’t know something, ask questions. And don’t be afraid to jump in.”
Last year, several members of Women of Fisheries and allies published an article in Fisheries and a summary in the Fisheries Blog discussing how to be an ally to women in science. The same 3 steps to become a better ally that were highlighted in the Fisheries Blog apply even […]
We all have a voice, so whenever you can, lift up others and invite them to the fisheries table.
Say hello to Sara Turner, the newest Women of Fisheries Board Member!
“Keep pushing to make this career path better for the next cohort- not just women, everyone. “
Instead of our regular first Monday profile of a women in science, for Labor Day we’d like to acknowledge all of the pioneers of the labor movement in the United States that led to improvements in employment conditions for workers such as the eight-hour workday, safe working conditions, and minimum […]
“As you move through your career, give your sisters in fisheries a hand up! Cultivate those relationships for the long-term.”
“Don’t let anyone tell you what the “right” timeline in for your life, your degree, or your career trajectory.”